Joomla Freelancer Daniel Homburg

Professionelle Joomla!® Programmierung
individuell - kompetent - effizient

professional web design

Joomla! services for international clients in English language

You're looking for a reliable and competent partner, who supports you with help, experience and advise? Then this page is interest to you.

Let me accompany you on your ways on the Web. You will receive tailor-made solutions that pay off. I look forward to talking with you, so just call me!

Telephone.: +49 (02683) 9477264


Webdesigner Daniel Homburg aus Bonn

Summary of my services

  • Professional Web design
  • Joomla! (Content Management System) – programming, webshops, web development, consulting and training
  • PHP and MySQL programming
  • project management and web-based solutions
  • High-Speed Joomla webhosting


Get in touch!

Telephone: +49 (02683) 9477264


This site is programmed with the freely availible Content Management System Joomla! TM/®.
The Joomla!® name is used under a limited license from Open Source Matters in the United States and other countries. Webdesign-ING  is not affiliated with or endorsed by Open Source Matters or the Joomla! Project.

Ihr Joomla Freelancer

Joomla FreelancerDaniel Homburg entwickelt seit 2008 Internet-Anwendungen für anspruchsvolle Kunden.

Den 1. Kontakt vergisst man nie.

Neugierig geworden? Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen!

Telefon: +49 (02683) / 94 77 264


Ich freue mich auf Ihre Anfrage! #Vorfreude